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On this page we have provided a range of resources which are in a downloadable format or links to where they can be accessed.

Vision Booklet

As a local church we desire to develop a spiritual community that is not built on methods or programmes, but on the study of scripture, biblical fellowship, prayer and the sharing of the power of the gospel


There is no better place to start than the example of the First Community of Believers outlined in Acts 2:42-47.


If you click on the image below, you can view and download our vision booklet, which outlines in detail how we aim to fulfill this vision.


As a responsible organisation we take seriously our commitment to protect all young and vulnerable people groups.  We have produced a comprehensive Safeguarding policy, which we ensure that all workers are kept upto date with and know how to act in accordance with the guidelines, as and when required.


If you click on the image below, you can view and download our Safeguarding  booklet.


There is also a link to our pocket guide available for our workers.

Other Material

Below are a range of useful material which you can download or order from our admin office.

Please do not sell or reproduce them without our permission.

1. Invite Cards

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